Revideret af bestyrelsen februar 2019
1.1. No broken boats or boats that are not fully equipped must be used without the permission of a board member. Defects or defective equipment must not be replaced by material from other boats without the consent permission from the house and material manager. 1.2. Boats with the inscription 'MUST NOT BE USED' written by the house and material manager, must not be used. 1.3 Rowers who have not taken a swim test during the current year, must wear lifejackets throughout the trip. The swim test is taken typically in March and is valid for 1 year. 1.4. The boat can be wholly or partly manned by rowers from clubs that are connected to Sønderjysk Ronetværk.
2.1. The coxswains are appointed by the board. 2.2. Minimum requirements for appointment to coxswain: - Short-trip coxswain: Age 15 years. Passed short-trip coxswain training. - Long-trip coxswain: Qualifications according to DFfR's long-trip regulations. 2.3. No boats must go out without a coxswain assuming the management and the associated responsibility. 2.4. The coxswain is responsible for ensuring that the material is used and handled properly, both on land and during the trip. 2.5. Disruptive behavior on a trip and carelessness with the material must be reported to the board. 2.6 It is the responsibility of the coxswain that the boat is in a fully safe condition before the trip begins.
3.1. Before departure, please note the following in the rowing card (rokort): - The boat's name. -Date and departure time. -Destination. -The crew's full names. - If there are guests, please provide their full names and resident club. - Expected arrival time. 3.2 After returning home, please note the following in the rowing card (rokort) - The time of return. -Number of rowed kilometers. 3.3. Faults or deficiencies found in the material are recorded in the “ankeprotokol” (protocol). If the defects are so serious that the boat cannot be used, the material manager must be informed.
4.1 The rowing season goes from April till end October. For rowing outside the rowing season: See paragraph 7. 4.2 The daily rowing area is limited to the north by a line connecting Ballebro - Compass marking on Snogbæk Hage - Stevning Nor, and to the south by a line connecting the bottom of the Vemming Bund - compass marking at Østerhage - Høruphav Roklub. 4.3. Rowing through the movable section of Chr. X bridge is prohibeted during the bridge’s opening hours. 4.4. A team consists of a coxwain and a full crew at the oars. It is the responsibility of the coxwain that the boat has the necessary equipment consisting of life jackets, boat hooks and scoops and that the bottom plugs are screwed in place. 4.5. Until free-rowing, no rowing should be done without an instructor, and single-sculler rowers must be supervised by an instructor from the bridge or follower boat. 4.6. The material must be used and handled properly, not only during the rowing, but also during launch and landing, as well as when the boat is on land. The entire team must be instructed in the correct use of the equipment before it can be used. 4.7. Passengers must not be included except in Frem. 4.8. Boat and oars should be cleaned and wiped after each trip and washed / rinsed if required. 4.9. When rowing between sunset and sunrise, a permenantly illuminated white light must be used, or alternatively an electric light with white light must be at hand and displayed in sufficient time to avoid collisions. 4.10. Sculler and Outrigger Rowing: 04.10.1. At water temperatures below 10 degrees, the rower must wear lifejackets. The distance to shore must not exceed 200 m. At water temperature below 15 degrees, life jacket should be worn during the trip. 04.10.2. Sculler and outrigger rowers must have completed 600 m swimming test this year. 04.10.3. Sculler rowers must have passed the capsize test, and passed the sculler free-rowing test.
5.1 Long-trip rowing takes place when the boundaries of the daily rowing area are exceeded. 5.2 Long-trip rowing is subject to DFfR's long-trip regulations. 05.03.1 Anyone taking part in a long trip must have completed the 300 meter swimming test this year. The participants must be able to put on a life jacket in the water, or alternatively carry a life jacket during the entire trip. 05.03.2 Long-trip rowing are only for members who have the necessary strength and physics to row and change seat in difficult weather and wave conditions. 5.4 In any boat that goes on a long trip, there must be a long-trip coxswain approved by the board. 5.5. Permission for long trips: Within the following area, a grant for one-day long-trip is not necessary: In the north from Naldtang to Stegsvig / Dyvig In the south on the Als side to the turn on Kegnæs and the all of Lillehav. On the Jylland side Broagerland to Brunsnæs. Any other trip in the rowing club's boats must be granted by a board member. This grant can be made by personal signature or tel / mail / sms. In this case, this must be noted in the long-trip protocol. You are not permitted to grant your own trip. All long trips in the rowing club's boats must be noted in rowing cards (rokort) and in the long-trip protocol (langtursprotokollen). When interrupting, prolonging and modifying a planned trip, the coxswain is obliged to contact a board member, and have this added under comments in the protocol.
6.1 It is every member's duty to help keep the clubhouse and its surroundings clean and tidy.
7.0 Winter rowing regulations 7.1 In general: Winter rowing is the practice of rowing during the period from November till Aprilin accordance with DFfR's "Guide for Winter Rowing." For winter rowing, Sønderborg Rowing Club's ordinary rules apply with the following restrictions 7.02 Period: All rowing performed between November 1st to March 31rd of the following year. Winter rowing must only take place in the period from half an hour after sunrise to half an hour before sunset. 7.3 Area: Rowing is only permitted in the daily rowing area. Rowing should take place as close to the shore as possible and max. 200 meters from the shore. Practitioners: Winter rowing can only be performed by approved rowers with the required experience and must be 15 or older. As a minimum a 300 meter swimming test within 1 year must be completed before the beginning of this winter season. Anyone wishing to practice winter rowing must be approved by the board by written request. The approval is valid for one year at a time. Members between the ages of 15 and 18 must, in their application to the Board, enclose their parents'/ guardians' approval with a signature. Winter rowers must be registered by the board in connection with the approval. In connection with the approval, the rower must be made aware of the club's winter rowing regulations and safety procedures for winter rowing, and the rower is obliged to comply with these. In the event of a violation of the winter rowing regulations, the right to winter rowing is lost. It is expected that guest rowers are approved by their own rowing club for winter rowing, and that they also comply with Sønderborg Rowing Club's regulations for winter rowing. 7.5 Safety: During winter rowing, everyone must wear a life jacket on the entire trip, and weather appropriate clothes must be worn. Rowing distance and time of return must be realistic - no notable extra time should be required for the trip. An easily accessible mobile phone should be at hand in case contact with the board / emergency services is needed. The weather conditions must be safe and prior to rowing trips, risks such as water and air temperature, visibility and wind should be taken into account. Rowing is not permitted when there is ice or risk of ice formation in the waters. The coxswain in charge of the boat must as a minimum be a short-trip coxswain with 1 year of experience in this function. The coxswain in charge of the boat is solely responsible for the legal and financial liability for unwarranted contact to emergency services (ALARM 112). Rowing is not permitted without informing a board member via SMS of both their departure and return. The board member is obliged to follow up on whether the rowers have come home. Winter rowing must never be performed alone. Outrigger rowing is not allowed during the winter months. 7.6 Equipment: Rowing is only allowed in the inrigger boats approved by the material manager.
Revised by the Board, February 2019 |